Need to know where you can go to recycle something?
Use Earth911’s recycling search or download their app for smart phones

Local Reuse Facilities:scrabble reuse

Habitat for Humanity Restore Oakland

The Reuse People Oakland

Urban Ore Berkeley

UC Berkeley Reuse Berkeley

Ohmega Salvage Berkeley

Raft San Jose

Scrap San Francisco

Building REsources San Francisco

The Away Station Fairfax

Green Lynx San Francisco & Sonoma

National Reuse Resources:

Directory of Creative Reuse Facilities

Start your own reuse facility

Online Venues to Assist in Reuse:

Excess Access

Local Reuse & Sustainability Organizations:

Oakland Recycles

Green Schools Initiative The Green Schools Initiative is a Berkeley project of Social and Environmental Entrepreneurs working to transform schools into models of sustainability for communities, engaging youth in hands-on, inquiry-based learning and action to improve the health and sustainability of facilities and operations.

Gigantic Ideas Marketing for Sustainable Businesses

Generation Green Generation Green is the fiscal sponsor for four Contra Costa county recycle symbolenvironmentally-conscious education programs

State Recycling & Reuse Agencies:

California Resource Recovery Agency California Statewide Recycling Agency

Northern California Recycling Association

National Reuse & Sustainability Organizations:

Reuse Alliance community for the reuse industry

Green School Alliance

Waste Free Lunches reduce school lunch packaging waste

Reuse Conex International Reuse Expo and Conference

Recycle Bank Q & A recycling tips and rewards for recycling